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  • Writer's pictureBrandon Alaniz

Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Discovered After 20 Years

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

After almost 20 years, the pilot for the "Kingdom Hearts" television series has been discovered.

Uploaded to YouTube by Seth Kearsley, the 11-minute pilot gives an early look at what the show could have looked like. Kearsley, who worked on the pilot, said he released the footage because he felt it had been long enough and that he wanted to share his work.

The show would have most likely have been on The Disney Channel had it been picked up for production. While there has been rumors of a Kingdom Hearts show currently being in development, there has been no concrete news.

"Kingdom Hearts 4" was revealed earlier this year. Watch the trailer here.

(10/26/22) Update: The video has now been taken down. Here is a reupload.

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